March 24, 2012

Channel Spotlight #1

Recently I found this amazing YouTube channel that puts out some cool videos. This channel is called VlogBrothers. They post new videos every Tuesday and Friday about random things and fill them with their thoughts and craziness. Yesterday's video is a great example of some of the craziness, I'll put a direct link to it below along with that of the main page. If you haven't check them out already you should! And then check out their other channels (SciShow, CrashCourse, and TruthorFail).

Also, just a reminder to send in those questions for the Q&A by April 6 to either my Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube (links on the right) with the title "Q&A 1".

Disgusting Cookies - The 2012 Hungry Games

- Cameron

P.s. Want to see more of these? Leave a comment below!

March 19, 2012

Hello and Questions

So to begin with I just want to say "hello".

What I want to do with this is just have so fun and post stuff about games that I'm playing. I'll also talk to some friends and see if they maybe would like to join in too. That's why I named this place the Jumble of Nothing... because that's pretty much what it is.

I probably won't post a lot right now due to school, but I'll try to stop by at least once a week and let you know what I'm up to. (which in a way sounds kind of weird... but whatever)

Now this next part is up to you, the readers.
In one of my next posts I'd like to try doing a sort of Q&A thing. So if you would send some *appropriate* questions to me via Twitter or YouTube (link on the side) I will try to answer them. (Make sure if you're sending them on YouTube to make the title "Q&A 1")  Let's say send them in before : April 31 and i'll put up the post sometime during the following week.

- Cameron

* appropriate = non vulgar ... all vulgar questions result in you being blocked